Other NEST projects

NEST-PROMISE (NEST-Promoting Research on Optimal Methodology and Impacts) is an EC project funded under the NEST Programme in FP6. The main objective of the project is to exemplify Europe's future needs in tackling unsolved questions and developing innovative concepts in science and technology backed up by visionary, high risk and multidisciplinary research encouraging the inclusion of NEST-like elements into National Research Programmes. The first regional workshop will be held in Italy, Pisa on September 18th, 2006 and aims at bringing together key players - policy makers & administrative staff - who can have an influence on the national funding scheme and user communities, i.e. researchers and industry players, to exchange experiences on existing and potential national and international Nest-like Programmes and to establish a pan-European Network of contacts in NEST/HINGE (High Innovation/Gain/Expectation) Programmes. For more information please visit the project web-site: www.nest-promise.net
6 Sep 2006
Dmitry Nerukh [dn232@cam.ac.uk]